Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Parent Talks – Parenting & Education Puberty Session

Tuesday 7th September

Do you have an emerging tweenager on your hands?

Are you watching your child transition and aren’t sure how to help them understand the changes taking place?

Would you like to avoid the ‘cringe’ when it comes to having ‘those’ chats?

Book in for Head Heart Hands Parenting & Education Puberty Session designed at helping your tween understand the physical and emotional changes taking place whilst assisting you connect with your child and establish yourself as a trusted confidant over their teen years.

Parent Talks – Parenting & Education Session

Thursday 2nd September

Are your kids asking questions about the ‘birds & the bees’?

Do you wonder about when it is the ‘right time’ to have ‘those’ conversations and how to start?

Are you overwhelmed and stuck about how to answer or perhaps scared you have missed the boat?

Or would you simply like to educate and arm yourselves with the right knowledge and advice?

Book in to attend a Head Heart Hands Parenting & Education session and set up a healthy culture in your home, one that promotes connection leading to open and comfortable conversations with your kids.